Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Student Versions of The Three Little Pigs

Enjoy these student versions of The Three Little Pigs. They are original works which the student blogged themselves. We love comments on our work.


  1. The Big Bad Shark and the Three Little Fish
    by Nukem

    The big bad shark and the three litte fish. the frst fish mad his house aluv seewes. the second litte fish mad his house shrimp and the thdrd fish mad his house aluv rocks. the big bad shark wit to the frsht house he wact it with his tal . the litte fish swam to his brothrs house the big bad shark chomp the shrimp house. the two litte fish swam to trd house the shark could not nock it down. Tha livd afr agen.

  2. The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark
    by Martin

    the three lettle fishs the frst fish bid his hous out uv seaweed. the seke lettle fish bid his house out uv rox. and the shark can not hit it dawon. the end.

  3. The Three Little Monsters and the Big Bad Bear
    by Christian

    The three little mostr adn the big bad bear the big bad bear CAN not break my house. The three little bears and the big bad dog. The big bad dog can not break my house. the three little sharks and the big bad fish. The big bad fish can not brake my house.

  4. The Three Little Monkeys and the Big Bad Frog and Eagle
    by Luis

    Onece uhpon uv time ther was three litte monkeys and the big bad Eagle and the big bad frog. One litte monkey made his house uv lefes. the frog push the house oevr. one litte monkey made his house of bunanas. and the big bad Eagle cam and aet the bunanas. one litte monkey made his house of logs. the frog and the eagle can not nok down the log house.
